Consider the lobster essay
David Foster Wallaces essay Consider the Lobster is a thought-provoking examination of the moral issues surrounding the consumption of lobsters. In the essay, Wallace examines the various arguments that have been made in favor of consuming lobsters, and ultimately questions whether it is morally justifiable to do so. He begins by pointing out that lobsters are not only a widely consumed food item in the United States, but they are also widely regarded as a culinary delicacy. He then looks at the various ways in which lobsters are prepared for consumption, ranging from boiling them alive to stunning them before boiling. He then goes on to discuss the implications of these methods, such as the pain and suffering endured by the lobsters prior to their death.
The essay goes on to consider the opinions of those who argue against consuming lobsters, citing the potential suffering of the animals as justification for abstaining from eating them. Wallace then explores the moral implications of eating a sentient creature and the potential for humanizing them through an understanding of their pain and suffering. He concludes that while some may still find it acceptable to consume lobsters, one should consider the moral implications of doing so, and that this consideration may be more important than any flavor or culinary experience that might be afforded by eating them.
Ultimately, Consider the Lobster is an effective examination of one of the most controversial topics in gastronomy today. While Wallace acknowledges that there are those who still enjoy eating lobsters, he argues that one must consider the moral implications before doing so. As such, this essay serves as an important reminder of the ethical considerations necessary when making any choice regarding food consumption.